a Baker is like a copywriter

These two professions are more similar than they are different. Let me explain.

In order to become a baker, they need to understand the fundamentals of cooking. Measurements of ingredients, temperature, timing, and chemical reactions of flavors etc.

Having this knowledge, a baker can make an endless variety or cakes, pies, pastries and more! No matter the style or occasion. The ingredients for cake batter is the same, whether you make cupcakes or a wedding cake. One costs $7 (cupcakes) to make, the other costs $700 dollars to make (wedding cake).

The only difference between the price of a wedding cake and a dozen cupcakes is the impact of the presentation. How many mouths will it feed?

Now let’s shift gears.

The copywriter needs the fundamental skills to grab attention such as writing headlines, discovering the purchase triggers & effectively conveying the product benefits to persuade the reader to buy.

Whether this is a direct response Ad (cupcakes) or a full-length landing page (Wedding cake) the ingredients are basically the same to the Copywriter. Who is this for? What are the benefits? What is the offer? Mr./ Mrs. client, how much money do you want to make?

Yes, a professional can specialize in a specific niche. In pies or in Billboard Ads. However, a good baker & copywriter both know how to adapt their recipes for the needs of their clients.

Apples to apples

2 x 4’s to doors

A Baker is like a Copywriter


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