My Pedigree

First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to check out my Website and this “About Me” Page.

Some material that I will be sharing here, will be personal & painful to dig up. Some of which, I’ve never shared before publically. I don’t like sympathy, or ever want to identify myself as a “victim” of circumstances no matter how popular MSNBC or CNN makes it out to be. That is for the brainwashed, weak-minded people who haven’t figured out how to break out of learned helplessness, yet. (I still have hope for some)

I am not much different than many of you. I grew up in a lower-middle-class, single-parent family. At times we struggled. We moved constantly but somehow survived on taco bell burritos and McDonald’s double cheeseburgers. Even with the instability, God always found a way to provide for us.

I made a lot of mistakes, which I learned the hard way early on. I’ve been scammed. I had a bad car accident. I worked at shitty jobs. But somehow I always knew, that if I wanted something, I’d have to figure out a way to get it myself or with other people.

This is how I developed my creative resourcefulness. Little did I know how valuable constraints could be in figuring out solutions.

I started earning my own money working at a pizza restaurant at the age of 15 folding pizza boxes and bussing tables. Which snowballed into working at a number of other local restaurants and even a retirement home. All while I was in highschool.

(I highly suggest everyone work or volunteer at a retirement home, it builds character and helps you appreciate life a bit more.)

During the first 10 years of my working, adult life. (Most of it was spent in hospitality) I gained experience in almost every position in a restaurant. I quickly bounced around positions, getting easily bored with how fast I was able to gamify a new position and excel at it efficiently.

Whether it was ADD or just my natural curiosity for progression. I didn’t like to keep a job for more than 6-10 months. Always seeking upward progression. This experience would be immensely valuable to me some years later, in my marketing career.

Hospitality allowed me to learn a lot about human behavior before I understood the science behind it. It gave me the opportunity to observe people. Their habits, their decisions & their desires. Later on, I would discover how all of these translate perfectly into necessary skills for marketing & advertising.

Towards the end of this phase, at around 23, I had a cancer scare that changed my life forever. It literally woke me up from sleepwalking through life. (A blessing in disguise) At the time, I was at a dead-end job, miserable, and broke. To top it off, I remember first learning about Bitcoin around this time, too! (We all know how successful that turned out to be)

*Spoiler!* I didn’t Buy! I had the money available from prematurely pulling out an old 401k, but didn’t know how to take the necessary actions due to a poor mindset & lack of financial literacy required to take advantage of that opportunity. It was almost Dec. 2012 and I thought the world was going to end! Lol (OMG… how stupid!)

I heard a great quote several years later that applies to this experience perfectly, “A man has two lives, the 2nd one begins when he realizes he only has ONE.”

It was at this point, that I began my new journey of self-discovery and personal fulfillment.

After learning at a young age most college students never pick up a book again or continue their education after graduation. I knew my competitive advantage would be to commit to lifelong self-improvement. Choosing this alternative path has blessed me in ways I never knew were possible! This would compound my education by developing my skills in a more logical method beyond the capacity of the public school system. I learn from mentors, several online courses, countless podcasts and hundreds of books over the past 10 years. To think, I probably read more books then your average college professor!

This brings me to where I am today.

In a position to bring massive value to like-minded creatives, entrepreneurs & business owners alike.

“Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune!”

The Best has yet to come!