Past Work


  • Current Email #5

    BOXR GYM: There is NO tomorrow🔥🥊

    Purpose: Motivational for indecision /Retargeting/interested but not signed up

    Hey [person.first_name]

    It's BOXR GYM Miami, and we have great news for you!

    You can be anyone you want to be in life

    And we want to help you accomplish your goals.

    Every day you choose to be closer or further away from the person that you want to become.

    So, what are you doing today that gets you closer to your dream life?

    How many goals have you put off in the past, only to regret them later wishing that you would've started sooner?

    One thing is for sure, we can't reverse time.

    But TODAY you can start to be closer to your goals, excited, full of energy, or you can be falling behind, frustrated at where you currently are in life.

    You have the power to make a commitment to yourself.

    Choose a purposeful journey of increasing your self-esteem, confidence, and overall wellness. Which ultimately overflows into every area of your life.

    Put an end to living with regret and start becoming the BEST version of YOU today!

    Book your appointment here:[person.book_link]




    1310 NE 1st AveMiami, FL 33132


    Email #6

    (current) BOXR GYM Turning Dreams into Reality 🔥🥊

    Never Give Up on Yourself 🔥🥊

    Purpose: Remind / Revisit limited time offer (expires after 30 days of sign up?)

    Hey [person.first_name]

    It's your family here at BOXR GYM Miami, have you taken advantage of your FREE day pass yet?

    Luckily, it’s NOT too late

    We understand how life can throw you off track. Bills can pile up. Maybe you were laid off from your job or your car broke down unexpectedly.

    We get it… Sh*t happens!

    But don’t give up on yourself.

    Every season of life can have its setbacks. Yet, we often let that little voice in our head convince us to stay conf. When we stop moving forward we atrophy. We lose momentum.

    It’s time to prove that little voice in your head wrong. You know the one that says “I’m tired” “I can’t” “Why try” or the worst one, “I’ll do it tomorrow”

    Nooooo! Tomorrow is NOT promised. Create winning habits TODAY!

    “All of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”

    Show that little voice in your head who’s the real boss

    Click the link below and sign up for your free day pass today!



    1310 NE 1st Ave, Miami, FL 33132


  • Subject Headline: How a Urologist Unlocked the Secrets to Men’s High Performance Health

    Preview Line: The day I stopped neglecting my health...

    Body copy:

    ...Was the day I found clarity to my newfound purpose.

    At a time when I believed devoting myself to my career and to my patients would lead me to great fulfillment, I was puzzled, to why I didn’t feel better about myself

    I woke up one day and found myself 30 pounds overweight with belly fat and brain fog. I had no energy, no focus, and no drive. I couldn’t sleep, I was anxious, and I didn’t like who I had become.

    Can you relate to a time when you put your career ahead of your own health? Where we sacrifice ourselves for the sake of our clients or our career? Inevitably this neglect of our health catches up to us.

    Unhappy with letting myself go, I made a commitment to get healthy again.

    After years of research I uncovered incredible technological breakthroughs we’re seeing in health optimization and human performance. Going far beyond the disease-care model into the depths of human genetics and cellular longevity.

    I was starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel

    But more than that, I was feeling the results of my personal changes with my own mind and body. I was experiencing higher levels of energy. My ability to focus was sustainable throughout the day. I built muscle and lost 25 lbs! I felt fully recharged!

    I couldn’t keep this a secret from the world, so I decided to formulate this same approach for my clients. A system that integrated all of these cutting-edge advancements into what is now our N1 High Performance Health Program.

    After much success, I left my lucrative urology practice so I could have a profound impact on many others by starting the Gapin Institute for High Performance Medicine.

    N1 became my mission to help Men perform at optimal levels, in all areas of their life. From the boardroom to the bedroom. In turn, men just like you have become more powerful and present husbands, fathers and leaders in their communities.

    If you’re reading this, and thinking to yourself “This wouldn’t work for me” you’re not alone.

    Dozens of men just like you have already experienced life-changing results and had similar thoughts.

    It’s not too late to become your best self.

    CTA: Unlock the ultimate blueprint for your personalized high-performance health journey


    In health,

    Dr. Tracy Gapin

    Gapin Institute of High Performance Health