In a world full of life hacks, learning how to naturally increase your energy might be the most valuable one. In this case, I have 3 fast and easy ways to optimize the most valuable part of YOUR day.

You spend 1/3 of your day in your bed asleep. For some, it’s less. For the majority, it might be more. So if you are going to spend that much time of your life in one place, you ought to get the most out of it, right?

Before I get into marketing strategies and best practices, none of those actually matter if you do not have the mental clarity or optimal energy needed to take necessary action. So before we start…

Here are 3 easy ways to increase your energy

1.) Invest in a better pillow

Invest in the most comfortable pillow you can afford that fits your sleep style (back, side, or belly)

2.) Invest in cooling sheets

It has been proven through a number of studies that we sleep better in cooler temperatures. Linen is great for keeping a lower body temperature in warmer climates. Believe me, Sheets matter!

3.) Invest in a great mattress

This should be a no-brainer. With how many direct-to-consumer mattress companies there are, plus amazing return policies. There is no reason and NO RISK, on why you shouldn’t upgrade your dusty old mattress to a memory foam mattress.

If you are still sleeping on that pullout futon or a craigslist twin mattress from 2012 or beyond. Invest in yourself and upgrade your sleeping equipment. You’ll be amazed at how much more energy you’ll have in just a few short days after making the switch.


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