Is influencer marketing right for your brand?

Congratulations! So you decided to consider influencer marketing for your brand, Now what? This next phase is where things can get a little messy. With dozens of social media platforms to choose from, how do you know which is best for your marketing strategy? More importantly, WHO would be best to represent your message to your ideal audience? The correct answers to these questions are less daunting than you may think. My objective for this article is to provide some helpful tips so you can approach influencer marketing confidently with minimal mistakes.

But first, let’s get started on the purpose of influencer marketing.

Generally speaking, at this point in time, it should be safe to assume your brand has been in business for a few years. You have a marketing team or at the very least, a digital marketing professional (possibly with multiple job titles) managing your social media pages. A decent budget for advertising or marketing efforts. Overall, I would suggest a business ought to have a stable foundation before hiring or working with any social media influencers. Credibility from both parties is critical to the future success of this partnership. In other words, both you and the influencer should have an audience, aka followers/customers. What you are looking for here is synergy between your customers and the influencer’s audience.

Here are some Pros and Cons


1.) Partnerships help you reach a relevant audience

2.) Partnerships help build trust and credibility (faster)

3.) It broadens your brand’s reach

4.) Paid partnerships typically cost less than traditional studio advertising productions

5.) Partnerships can drive conversions, free trial sign-ups, and retargeting options.


1.) Working with the wrong influencers can cause damage to your brand’s reputation

2.) You could lose money on ineffective results if you have the wrong strategy for your campaign

3.) It’s challenging to accurately measure results

4.) Its risky

At this point, you ought to have a clearer understanding of influencer marketing to make a sound decision.

If you would like to bypass some of these challenges or would like some guidance on picking the right influencer for your campaign, you can reach out to me for a marketing consultation on my contact page.


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a Baker is like a copywriter